"Good organisation & friendly staff! "
Big 5 Assessments, Oxford, 06/03/2019
"Very friendly environment, excellent way to network with other providers and organisations."
Brandon Trust, Oxford, 06/03/2019
"Good event!"
Tradeline, Oxford, 06/03/2019
"Told by a Jobseeker that the Jobs Fair had been heavily advertised for weeks before which was very positive!"
Ipsos Mori, Derby, 01/03/2019
"Very good venue and friendly staff."
Dixons Carphone, Derby, 01/03/2019
"Used this event previously and always successful!"
Derby College, Derby, 01/03/2019
"We attracted a good range of candidates! The Jobs Fair staff are friendly and helpful."
Lloyds Banking Group, Brighton, 01/03/2019
"Great event, well organised! We had lots of interest for our Job Roles. "
Health Education England (NHS), Brighton, 01/03/2019
"Good turn out, hopefully got a few candidates!"
Regard Group, Brighton, 01/03/2019
"Really impressed with how busy it was, we got lots of applications and interest."
BH Live, Portsmouth, 27/02/2019