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Candidate FAQs

Where do you host Job Fairs?

We host them in 68 locations across the U.K. You can view all upcoming events by visiting our where and when page.

What are the timings of the fairs?

Our Job Fairs run from 10am to 1pm. Check out our calendar to view all events.

What do other candidates think of Job Fairs when looking for work?

We have helped thousands of candidates find employment since 2010. Check out what other candidates have to say about our Job Fairs on our candidate testimonials page.

What sort of venues do you use?

We use all kinds of venues for our Job Fairs, from Football Stadiums, Rugby Stadiums, Hotels, Town Halls, Guildhalls, Conference Centres and Music Theatres.

Can anyone attend the Job Fairs?


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We don't accept visitors who are looking to sell their services to our exhibitors on the day. Our exhibitors are there solely to fill their recruitment needs and speak with prospective candidates from the local area.

Are they free to attend?

Yes. All of our Job Fairs are free entry if you have registered a ticket. Get tickets

Do I need to register before the event/on the day?

Yes you will need a free ticket to attend our events. Get tickets

What sort of exhibitors do you get?

We get companies from numerous different sectors attend our events. They will also be recruiting for multiple opportunities, so not just jobs but apprenticeships, training courses, voluntary roles and self-employed ventures as well.

Do I need to bring anything with me?

We would always recommend bringing some copies of an up to date CV to our events. Please remember to bring your ticket to be scanned in at the door.

What is the dress code?

We would recommend a smart casual dress code for our Job Fairs. However, if you want to attend suited and booted it can only help your cause!

I’ve never been to a Jobs Fair before, do you have a guide to help?

Yes, we do. Please take a look at our Top Tips page for our tips and advice before you attend.

I want to know more about your Job Fair in my town/city?

No problem, please choose from our Event Guides page to see more bespoke information about your local Job Fair. View Event Guides